SNOW DAY!! Very few phrases strike such excitement–and such panic–into the hearts of Southerners. If you are reading the blog from anywhere besides the south, I must explain that everything (schools, businesses, major interstates) shuts down for even a dusting of “the white stuff,” and the entire southern population empties the grocery stores of all bread and milk. (Apparently bread and milk are all you need for sustenance if you are trapped indoors during a blizzard.) So anyway, the 1st day of March came in like a lion, with big puffy flakes of snow, and 2 days out of school. It was the best-kind-of-snow that sticks to each tree branch and twig like tufts of cotton and packs the perfect snowball.
By early afternoon, however, I was a little stir-crazy and lonely in the house all by myself, so I announced a FREE contest on facebook! (If you are a blog reader but you aren’t my friend yet on fb, please send me a request!) Little Charlie, via his facebooking mom, was the lucky winner of a frosty cold snow session. They braved the cold, and we traipsed around my backyard for some frikkin adorable photos of Charlie’s Snow Day…
I think this photo of Charlie and Jennifer is simply magical!
I love the happiness on Jennifer’s face here…
By the way, Charlie’s newborn portraits were one of my very first posts on the blog, and now I’m nearing my 50th post. It won’t be long at all before we move over to the new blog and site…I’ll keep you updated!
Now I’m off to eat my bread and milk…. 😉
(Don’t forget to “show me–and Charlie–some love” by clicking below!)