“I think I can, I think I can.” The Little Engine That Could was able to climb the highest peaks and deliver his goods to the townspeople because he kept repeating the things that he CAN do. Good for him, but here are some things that I CAN’T do…
I can’t fill my gas tank up unless the gas light is on.
I can’t dance without a little liquid encouragement.
I can’t go a week without chips and salsa.
I can’t sit down at a concert. Or not sing along.
I can’t believe Taco Bell only uses 35% meat. How can something as yummy as the Mexican Pizza be too good to be true??
I can’t cook rice.
I can’t handle a day without my iPhone.
I can’t talk to my cat Pearl without sounding like a complete goofball.
I can’t ride in the car without the radio on. Singing along. Probably badly.
I can’t drink skim milk. Blech. Whole or 2%, baby!
I can’t tolerate punctuation errors, especially on signage. Seriously, you paid for that misplaced apostrophe in your business’ name??
I can’t say no to a great pair of shoes. As a result…
I can’t fit one more pair of shoes into my closet.
I can’t watch Dirty Dancing too many times.
I can’t fall asleep without Chapstick. Or hearing him whisper “sweet dreams.”
How about you? What are some things on YOUR “can’t” list? Leave a comment and let me know…