Little Miss Ella Jane


Just 13 days after Ella Jane’s Birthday, I visited with her, Robyn, and Burton for Ella Jane’s newborn portraits. She is such a sweet baby, and she has the cutest spikey hair. (Of course I’m not biased, considering Ella Jane’s mommy is one of my closest friends…)

Ella Jane has quite the collection of hairbows! Good thing she’s got the ‘do to pull them off.

Consider yourself warned: extreme pouty-face ahead.

A Clemson Tiger-in-Training, with Burton’s class ring.

And of course the little feeties with the wedding rings. (Happy 1st Anniversary, Robyn and Burton! 11/3/07)

It’s Ella Jane’s world now!

Robyn would say, “nude-y booty.”

As Ella Jane’s birth announcements say, “All of God’s grace in one sweet little face.”

Robyn, Burton, and Ella Jane–I love you guys! Thank you for always trusting your most precious moments to me and my camera, and thanks for being a crazy-good PR team for me. 😉

PROOFS: To view Ella Jane’s proofs, click here. (The password is Robyn’s maiden name.) Please log in when prompted if you want to save your shopping cart. Thanks!

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