When the Clamp/Knoke family contacted me for their family portraits in Greenville, they were on a bit more of a time crunch than most families are: their son and brother Will is only in town for two weeks….on leave from serving in Afghanistan. Will won’t be stateside again for 6 months, so it was super important to have portraits while he’s here and while their family is complete again. It was a pleasure and an honor to photograph them yesterday….
Jennifer and Josh got engaged on this very swing! They’ve been married for about 2 1/2 years now, and wanted some new “couple pictures” of them. Yay!
One of my favorites of them!
Mom and Dad are a pretty cute little couple, too!
Brother and Sister…
LOVE this portrait of Will and Mom….she’s so proud!
Ha–Mom finally got Will to crack a smile. 🙂
And lastly, some portraits of Will. There are so many opinions about this war, our country, and politics. Bottom line, however, is that there are thousands of men and women risking their lives by simply “doing their jobs.” They are someone’s son or daughter, their brother or sister, their husband or wife. Many thanks and many prayers for a safe return go out to Will and all the others like him.
The face of this soldier…who returns overseas tomorrow.
A favorite from the day:
Clamps/Knokes, it was great meeting you all yesterday. My hope is that these portraits will make the distance and time a little easier over the next 6 months. Will, stay safe, and thank you for “doing your job.”
The entire PROOF GALLERY can be found if you CLICK HERE. Password hint: the state where Will is stationed when he’s not in Afghanistan.
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