I had SO much fun photographing these two sisters and their high-energy families! We met up at Paris Mountain State Park in Greenville SC on a chilly fall morning, and in the midst of races, cousin hugs, and a snuggly baby girl, we captured the love and excitement of the Theiss and Mills Families. Enjoy their family portraits! A video slideshow is at the end, and so is a link to their proof gallery!
Seriously, these two cousins are TOO CUTE!!
Guess how old they are?? 😉
They are also f-a-s-t!
The sisters and their hubbies…
Pretty girl Miss A just turned 1!
Sweet big brother. *Melt!*
What a cutie!!!!
His eyelashes kill me.
Theiss and Mills Families–thank you so much for choosing me to capture the fun of your families! You all are awesome, and I enjoyed getting to know you AND our “small world” connections! I hope you will enjoy your portraits.
Check out their video slideshow below:
And to view the entire PROOF GALLERY, please CLICK HERE. Password is the moms’ maiden name.
As always, please click “Comment” below to “show us some love!”