When we finished our session, Jessica asked me “Do you think we got some good shots?” Holy shamoly, YES! This is my second session with the Major girls, and this time they brought dad along. The girls were completely adorable, the fall leaves were still beautiful, and the late-afternoon light was beyond amazing. I ADORE these photos! I actually teared up a couple of times when I was making my selections, because they are so sweet. To all moms (including Jess) who aren’t sure if their kids sat still enough or smiled their “real” smile: trust me, we’ll get the shot!! 🙂
Apparently I’m making the “family reflection” a signature shot! This keeps showing up in all my family shoots…
Two of my favorites from the day…and I don’t think they even knew I was still shooting! 😉
FYI, my last 3 posts (Majors, Nelsons, & Daniel) were all shot at Furman University over a 9 day period…and they all were shot within about 40 yards of each other! My goal was to make each session look and feel unique even though I was shooting in basically the same location all 3 times.
*UPDATE: To view the Major’s proofs, please CLICK HERE. The password is their older daughter’s name. If you would like to save your shopping cart, please provide your email address when prompted. Thanks!*
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