Brooks’ Downtown Greer Senior Portraits


Better late than never, right? He’s long graduated from high school, but we can still show off Brooks’ downtown Greer Senior Portraits, right?? Brooks is the second of three boys, and it has been so much fun photographing each of their senior portraits and seeing their unique personalities come to life. As a high schooler, Brooks loved robotics and music, he has such a genuine smile, and it was fun to see his confidence in front of the camera. Guys get a bad rap for not wanting to be in pictures, but I actually have a ton of fun with my Senior guys!

Introducing….Brooks’ Downtown Greer Senior Portraits

I love having Greer City Park basically in my front yard! There’s always something going on here, and it’s got great spots for photos. Brooks strummed some chords for his parents and me, looking all chill in his RayBans. 😉

Brooks’ mama, my sweet friend/cousin-in-law Tonya, always has the sweetest ideas for documenting her sons’ growth during their Senior Portraits. As the saying goes, “the days are long but the years are short,” and isn’t that such the truth? I know for parents, it seems like *just yesterday* that their graduating babies actually WERE babies. Even if their shoe size changes [drastically!], some things stay the same–family love, big smiles, and that awesome ginger hair!

This one was a family favorite, and I’m pretty sure it made it onto Brooks’ graduation announcement!

Music is such a big part of our stories, and it always amazes me how closely music is tied to memory. Certain songs and you’re just THERE. Music is a big deal in this family, too. I love this whole hoodie series…

Downtown Greer Senior Boy Session

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